Saturday, June 20, 2020

When the oppressed tin foil conspiracists succeed in ridding from the market the billion gazillion dog-whistle Masonic symbols everywhere imbedded in advertising (which we would not know about were it not for their prophetic decoding vigilance), by the result of an awakening in mass protests (since there's so many of them and they are so ready to act for justice) - a purge that is so necessary because such symbology has a nefarious unconscious influence regardless of how aware people are of it - then I will adopt an ironically detached air about the whole thing, since I'm not a Freemason nor am tainted by Freemasonry (whenever I saw a Dodge Ram truck, I never thought, "Ah, good, the Masons!"), and I'll say what a bunch of virtue-signallers, and what's going to be next - the obelisk in St. Peter's Square?

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