Tuesday, June 2, 2020

Ah, the many angles from which to view COVID-19 - what a prestigious luxury! It's all alarmism: see here, the antibody testing is finding thousands of more people who were infected but never became seriously ill.

You see? The disease actually infects so many freaking people that it changes the death rate! Time for Magic Think: 380,381 deaths after about three and a half months isn't as scary or tragic any more, because that's just a fraction of the total number infected! That means the virus is not as dangerous/deadly as they've been saying!


There's one person on twitter - can't remember the name - who when he encounters these sorts of statements of truth-bending gymnastic bullshit (otherwise known as relativism) responds simply with the words, *chef's kiss*.

Yes, uhm, Actually - they love to say, thinking themselves so red pill - we've been sheeple and if you look at the cwisis from weal fah away, fwum a diffwint angle - say, fwum the moon - the cowonaviwus is a dweam within a dweam.

I am so effing done with this sort of crap.

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