Sunday, June 7, 2020

“We still have to follow the rules,” Francis said. “Thank God, we are leaving the worst part, but always by obeying the rules that the authorities have stipulated.” --Pope Francis, June 7, 2020

If you listen to what Pope Francis is saying and doing, you will not go astray.

Thank God we have the Pope we have, and that the majority of Bishops around the world - weighing very heavily the situation and courses of action - are exercising due care for their flocks by continuing to implement the proper safety measures so as to not cause a second outbreak.

Thank God the majority of our Bishops are not sectarian reactionary anti-science conspiricists. Can you imagine the deadly damage it would cause if they were running their dioceses according to the manner of irresponsible internet personalities who have no care for a local diocese and have no authoritative standing in the Church?

These freewheeling wandering internet personalities have no connection to any locale; they network and echo each other as a global cabal. Their consummist, hyper-fundamentalist ideology becomes virulent through a kind of cultic e-cabal.

Yet lockdown/quarantine/safety measures around the world have been implemented quite differently from country to country, province to province, town to town: what we have seen with COVID-19 is a kind of resurrection of localism in the fight against the virus, neighbour discovering neighbour (ironically in a time of so-called "isolation") while the conspiricists deal globally, and have made demands and arguments in favour of the global financialized market they have been so afraid for losing.

The actual spread of the virus was not due to globalism, but simply to air travel. And air travel is a multi-billion dollar capitalist enterprise. But the resistance to safety measures against the virus has been entirely globalist.

The local scientists were telling us the proper measures to take for the sake of our fellow men and women according to the situation of their local region, while the conspiricists were giving the bullhorn to the global financial economy as their top priority.

The conspiricists like Vigano et alia are really globalists. They are a kind of global cabal disconnected from any local diocese, and they have infiltrated the Church, and like Donald Trump, they carry a deadly moral virus.

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