Friday, June 26, 2020

Had a run in with a stranger the other day - or rather, he imposed himself and interrupted my work in order to expound at great length on every one of his conspiracy theories and how much he knows about what is going on.

I'm standing there in my usual too-kind endurance with my arms full of branches I had pruned, and this guy is just rattling on and on, and then hijacking every one of my words to prolong his interruption, completely oblivious to the rudeness of his holding me up. You know how you begin saying something to wind down the (very one-sided) conversation, leading to a courteous close, and the person just keeps freakishly honing in on your words to tie back into a means to continue his monologues? It's practically a form of abuse.

So here's one more to add to the roster: isolation measures at the beginning of the pandemic were the Big Mistake. The isolation measures are what got us into the present mess of so many infections and deaths. The isolation/lock-down is what actually led to an increase of the virus, because all the less-at-risk non-old people who could have been developing Herd ImmunityTM spent that time away from each other.

We put ourselves in the position of the weak immunity of the indigenous people who were devastated by the colonial pox (to which, it is implied, the white man had herd immunity).

Prior to this, he was saying how the virus was a media ploy to herd us sheep (he used the term 'sheep', and I was like, funny how all you enlightened individualists uniformly use the word 'sheep'), after all - as he proceeded to tell me in the highly original individualist's awakened thoughts, like I don't know this thing called the internet and read all the same crap he's repeating to me on it - how many people do you know who have the virus? Ask anyone, who do you know who contracted the virus?

So you start to realize why such people need to cast themselves as prophets. Because normal people see what they say - how simultaneously the virus is an overblown media deception in order to herd us sheep and a super-spreading virus due to the isolation/lock-down measures - and know that in order to proceed further down that line of contradictory thinking requires more and more red pills glasses of arsenic kool-aid, and so people laugh off or punch down with scorn (whichever according to various personalities) such blatantly insane garbage. These conspiricists isolate themselves through their cerebral and spiritual abuse/manipulation of others and dress it up as 'I'm a prophet of the wilderness!'

The fact that recognizing the plain reality that the isolation measures - late and bungled as they were - went effectively towards flattening the curve (leading to 'this is all an overreaction!' as the experts warned would happen) and the premature 're-opening' of the economy in certain places is causing the numbers to spike back - that simply this is too much for these people to process, is weird. It's almost as if - oh, I don't know, like they were desperately frightened sheep.

Anyways, beside that, he had a complete inability to hear what I actually said (none of which was argumentative), listening only for what he could work into his cerebral bubble world.

For instance, he began talking about work, and asked me about my work, and so on, and I say to him that I've been lucky with regards to work because I don't work around anyone, and that I work alone. He immediately says,  'Oh you reveal how much the media is controlling your thoughts when you say that', and I'm like WTF you stupid dick, I was simply saying that I'm lucky my work situation hasn't changed (i.e. unemployment) due to the fact that I don't work in an office/work-community/customer contact type environment.

Nor was his 'mishearing' an innocent mistake. We were talking about unemployment. This guy was completely listening only for certain things, and then imposing those things on my speech: he was conditioned to think - because he is controlled by the media that he reads and listens to - that I was saying I was lucky, due to working alone, that I'm at low to no risk of contracting the virus. In other words, the first thing that must be on my mind is 'fear of the virus'.

So what do you call someone who is conditioned to hear what other people say as only the bleating of conditioned sheep? That person is a sheep when it comes to their own intellectual/perceptual comfort, and a narcissistic wolf towards others.

Huh, imagine that.

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