Monday, January 19, 2009

All Starry

Latest StAR (Jan./Feb. 2009) hit the mailbox today. Beauty is Truth: Faith and Aesthetics is just the kind of title to pique my interest.

Haven't gotten into it yet, but here's a list of some of the pieces:

Art, Aesthetics, and Culture: The Responsibility of the Artist in Society, Samuel Peliska

To the Truly Passionate: A Vision of the Temple, Ryan Hannigan

The Truth of Beauty: Educating the Moral Imagination, Benjamin G. Lockerd, Jr.

The Body as Sacrament of the Soul: The Nude in Art and John Paul II's Theology of the Body, Lawrence Feingold

The Art of the Spheres: Discovering Mathematical Ideals in Christian Art, David Clayton

Christianity and the pursuit of Liesure Leisure: The Basis of Culture (Joseph Pieper) Reviewed by Matthew M. Anger

Painting Light, James Gillick

The Theology of Food, Mitchell Kalpakgian

Chesterton and the Jews, Dale Ahlquist Interviews Robert Asch

Beauty and the Beast: Towards an Aesthetic of Film, Fr. Dwight Longenecker

and on and on and on...I know, I know; just a trashy gossip rag that rots the mind.

Consider a subscription, here.

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