Thursday, July 24, 2008

Monsanto. Soy. Two words I do not like.

Who has something to gain from the consumption of soy? Perhaps companies like Monsanto which produce the genetically modified soybean seeds. Perhaps companies like Cargill Foods or SoyLife which produce countless soy-based foods. Or soybean councils in several states which represent farmers who grow this new, emerging bumper crop. And, of course, all of the companies which are constructing factories all over the world to do the processing which is necessary to make soybeans edible.
Quote from this article, which you should take the time to read. Not only does soy not seem to be all what it's coughed up to be, it is apparently quite bad for you. Not just the soy alone, which seems simply of its own nature to outweigh its positive aspects with negative ones, but also as to the process it goes through to become edible.

And what man wants his sperm concentration dissipated? Check here.

All said and done though, it's not like you're being told to no longer eat pizza. Soy? Tofu? Bad for you? There' s a thousand other beans you can eat; tastier ones. Soy can go to hell. It won't be missed. Have you ever tasted it when it's not plastered over with things you can actually taste? All what it's good for is triggering the gag reflex.

Perhaps soy was intended to be used for some other inedible purpose.

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