Friday, July 9, 2010

Garden Sprawl Friday


Enbrethiliel said...


I'd be more effusive if I knew what they were. =P

Paul Stilwell said...

They're just leeks going to seed.

Well, going to flower; then they will go to seed.

Enbrethiliel said...


Okay, now I'm depressed. Those leeks are like my life!

(Don't feel bad about this, Stilwell. I'm moody today.)

Paul Stilwell said...

Bad about what? Did I offend?

Enbrethiliel said...


Not at all! I was just being cautious because I know other people who take it to heart when one of my mood storms blows in.

Well, it has blown out! =)

And I should really say that the first thing that comes to mind when I hear of leeks is a poem I read as a child, Rhubarb Ted. It's about a man who always wears a giant rhubarb leaf on his head . . . except when they are not in season, which is when he wears a giant leek!

Paul Stilwell said...

I like your mood storms. I like how they come full circle.

You know, if I ever got a psychological evaluation- well, let's just say I would never get one.