Tuesday, February 8, 2011

Medium: HB Pencil on two-ply bristol


Enbrethiliel said...


I like the bottom half. ;-)

The top half is like a dream.

love the girls said...

Exactly. Except the dreamy part is what I do like.

Except I don't see how it's the least bit like a dream. Or perhaps it's that we dream differently.

At the Denver Museum of Art, on the only floor that actually has art, in the entry hall there are a number of sculptures of women from antiquity to present day, and what is most striking is how each sculpture reflects each societies understanding of themselves and the world about them.

The composition of the drawing as well as the drawing itself likewise reflects surprisingly well the most modern sculpture in that hall.

And so I wonder, do we dream differently? or simply see the world about us differently? Or what is the difference, because I simply don't see what you do.

Paul Stilwell said...

Thank you both for the very interesting comments. Enbrethiliel, your comment makes me look at it anew. The drawing does seem to have a "borderland", almost like a landscape.

I wanted to say that when I finished this drawing and stepped back and looked at it, I was kind of surprised at how abstract it was overall. It's a kind of abstraction I'm after though - a kind of "unintended" abstraction: abstracting *towards* something rather than abstracting *from* something.

"love the girls", you have me thinking, and I like the difference here in views between yourself and Enbrethiliel - same and different. I would be interested in seeing that modern sculpture.

I'm mulling over your questions, as I'm sure E will be too! (BTW, I enjoy reading your blog.)

Enbrethiliel said...


LTG: I mean that when the picture was loading and I could only see the top half, my first thought was, "Oh, look! Stiwell has a sketch of shapes and blobs!"

Only the orange, the apple and the pepper really pop.

Stilwell: Come to think of it, there's something unreal about your 5 February sketch as well.

Of course, I'm sure that if you did draw shapes and blobs, they'd be fantastic!