Wednesday, October 28, 2020

Do we live in confusing times?

What does that even mean? It's such a tired banality piously repeated by the devout. It's right up there with "He/she is in a better place." If you see clearly enough to see that "we live in confusing times" then why do you have constant recourse to repeating the phrase? Why don't you live from the center of your clarity and own it?

I find it interesting how those who say "we live in confusing times", like reality was at their beck and call, have nothing coherent to offer that would actually show the reality of what's occurring in any present situation. They deny development to what is in a present state of slowly or quickly becoming, which is what all time is doing all the time. Their response to crisis is a gnostic cop out; their preemptive crystallization, which is manipulation, is highly annoying. Their premature safeguarding is destructive. This has the effect of both downplaying a crisis (leading to irresponsibility) and exaggerating it (leading to unresponsiveness). Anything that they aren't able to instantly categorize within their false sense of certainty they relegate to the "temporal realm".



Terry Nelson said...

Vigano. LOL!

Paul Stilwell said...

I know! I just saw he's out with another nutbar screed.