Wednesday, April 30, 2014


Title: Derelict Row

Medium: Oil on canvas board

Size: 11 in. x 14 in.


Terry Nelson said...

You are really good.

Paul Stilwell said...

I had an earlier version of this up some time ago, but then removed it because I knew it wasn't where I wanted it to be. I think I finally got it to...well, at least to the point of happily not being able to go any further.

owenswain said...

Nice work. Same gentle palette often seen in your work.

Paul Stilwell said...

Thanks again Owen. Yeah, the's something I'm not conscious of, that is, not conscious of selecting over and against something else. So your comments about it kind of surprise me, and I go, oh yeah, it is so. Colour can be such a tricky thing no? Not just in an aesthetic sense, but in that it must be used in such a way that it is not for its own sake (subordinate to form) yet it must exist as its own dimension. Colour must be its own dimension that at the same time penetrates and deepens the form.

Enbrethiliel said...


This looks familiar! ;-)

They remind me of old men who've been coming to the same bench and just sitting together for many years. And now I notice that one of the posts is missing its box, which makes this story bittersweet . . .

Paul Stilwell said...

That's it! Once again you express the story behind the picture - or rather draw a story out that wasn't intended yet gets to the essence of the thing.

Paul Stilwell said...

And yes, I always thought lone post without a box on the end had something bittersweet about it - the end of the row, quite literally.