Friday, June 29, 2012

And when it came to G.K.C. no one really knew until afterwards, and they were all like, "Whaa!", except for one sister who said to him, "Why did you take so long?" LOL!

"But she’s not a 1st round draft pick, while these regular folks are just pew fillers. She’s not a prized turned enemy super-spy. The Church hasn’t landed an All-Star free agent from Team Atheist. But from the breathless excitement at having a new Catholic blogger (pant! pant!), and Patheos’ director of marketing (really? they have one of those?) saying her post had over 150,000 page views (ohmyohmyohmy!)… for goodness sake, it’s rather embarrassing! Imagine the reaction if someone really famous signed up for RCIA classes!. . ."

". . .How about if we leave the rejoicing at the conversion of one soul to the hosts of heaven, and us bloggers just shut the hell up?"

Good post by LarryD: The Cult of Catholic Celebritease part 1