Saturday, September 10, 2011

Medium: Can't remember what pencils


-blessed holy socks, the non-perishable-zealot said...

Just as those who flew into the WTC made mortal sin and God punished them with Hell, we, too, make mortal sin with abortion and homosexuals - EXACTLY why God permitted this destruction. Don’t you, too, fall into that same trap. I didn’t vote for that whorizontal hypocrite; don’t want him as my prez; thank God he only has some months left -Jesus is my life insurance- Those who wanna see a New World Order, those much higher than the BO in their whorizontal power, pull that filthy Liar’s strings like a puppet. Your choice, friend. Your demise. Almighty God has absolutely nuthin to do with your own, free will. Thank you for listening. I’m only a prophet. God bless you.

christopher said...

I think that's his roundabout way of saying you've got talent. And that's what you get for voting from another country, you... you... Canadian... ;)

Paul Stilwell said...

Thanks Christopher. LOL.

His comment is like "Big Trouble in Little China" - you just have to keep watching.

christopher said...