Sunday, April 3, 2011

You have to take housing the toad seriously


Enbrethiliel said...


You mean there are actually people who do this???

I think I've found my next Horror Short. Thanks, Stilwell.

Bryan said...

I like the toad house idea!

But here's what's going to happen:
I'll buy the thing, put it outside our bedroom window--we have a frog in the vicinity--and it'll never get used. I'd be better off buying a garden gnome.

Honestly, I don't think it's as stupid as you think. We make bird houses. And when I had all my fish tanks, I'd buy lava rocks and whatnot for my fish to shelter in.

I'd take toads over wolf spiders any day of the week!

cyurkanin said...

I regularly stock my yard with toads I bring home from work. Half of them sneak off to the creek a few blocks away but many stay :) No need to "take housing the toad seriously" though as there are plenty of nooks where they live in my garden. Now that I have a little pond, we might have some tadpoles too (if the fishies don't eat them up) And no need to stock up on wolf spiders, they seem to propogate just fine.

Enbrethiliel said...


My first home had a garden with flowerbeds lined with concrete hollow blocks. Toads just assumed they were little apartment buildings and moved in. I'd pour water in or poke gently with sticks, and then run away screaming when the disgruntled toad finally popped out. We shared a hatred as intense as it was mutual.