Saturday, December 18, 2010

I came down to earth to know suffering...

"When the moment of death comes for My friends, you believe, don't you, that I come gently, with all the delicate touches that you know, to take their souls into My kingdom? You would do the same if you were taking someone into one of your beautiful homes. You would want to feel the joy of their surprise, wouldn't you? Then I, God, who love more and own more, how could I fail to be interested in the passing of My friends from time?

Nothing that you may possibly have imagined of the love of My heart comes anywhere near the reality. Remember that I wanted your joy so much that I came down to earth to know suffering. And when I see you suffer, and suffer for Me, I gather each of your sufferings with great love, as though yours were greater than Mine, and had a value that My heart would like to make infinite. And this is why, when you allow Me to do so, I merge your life with Mine." --He and I


Terry Nelson said...

I hope he comes to me like this.

Paul Stilwell said...

Me too, Terry. As Andy says in the Shawshank Redemption, "Remember, hope is a good thing, maybe the best of things."