Tuesday, November 17, 2020

Will our bowel movements be arrested during the Three Days of Darkness?

I ask because one would assume that indoor plumbing will totally malfunction due to the massive reconfiguration of the earth, the demonic violence, and the cataclysmic wrath; all those pipes underground will break and no water will be coming into your house. You might get a few flushes, but after that it will be no good.

And if you're someone who doesn't have indoor plumbing but has an outhouse, well, no one will be able to go outside, unless you want instant death.

So maybe our bowel functions will be suspended? After all, there will be certain favoured souls who will be granted the grace of falling into a deep sleep for the Three Days. Certainly their bowel functions will be suspended? You would hope so.

Anyways, I find it rather inconsistent that some believing themselves to be vigilant will be all like, "Do you have your blessed beeswax candles ready?" but they have absolutely nothing to say about having several large buckets on hand. Chamber pots, you know? And you're going to want lids for those buckets.

I suppose one could use the bathtub, but that would get disgusting real quick.

Just some thoughts on TDD.

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