Tuesday, November 17, 2020

Just a reminder

There is a thing called Odious Debt.

Odious Debt is not debt that is unpayable because the debtor is poor or lazy, but it is debt that is unpayable due to the rigging of the lender; the accumulating interest is insupportable to the very nature of transaction. You could say it is perversely disproportionate to human scale.

A loan itself is an extended transaction, and the benefit for the lender is in proportion to the degree of time that they can stretch it out. They don't want the transaction to come to a completion. By doing this with unchecked impunity, Odious Debt breaks and distorts the very proportionality by which we sustain the value of money as such.

Jubilee is not just debt cancellation: it is debt cancellation in recognition that debts extended in time beyond all reason is Odious Debt and will kill everyone, including those who have paid off their debts.

Student loan debt is Odious Debt. It is also doubly Odious Debt because student education in itself is a future economic investment which benefits everyone, however remotely. It's not like someone taking out a loan for a car or for a Jacuzzi. To lump student loan into any other loan category is sick and deplorable. At most, student loans should be interest free, as well as due date free.

Just as the government got people into the country here in Canada by offering to potential immigrants interest free loans to work a piece of land, to be paid back only when the farmers had secured themselves financially and were doing well. Why would the government do that? It's not rocket science: because it was advantageous to the country, economically, and in every other way. Ditto education.

Conservatives wringing their hands about how debt forgiveness wouldn't be fair, and it would be unequal, are invoking the very "socialism" they themselves denounce . Anything to do with equal opportunity these conservatives label as "socialist" or "communism". Yet here they are commanding that people bleed themselves dry to pay what in most cases they have already paid (and in some cases paid multiple times over) and not have it cancelled because otherwise it wouldn't be equal with those who have paid their debts. Conservatives are the worst freaking communists. LOL.

People framing debt forgiveness as though it was socialists forcing the hand of the lender and taking the money that belongs to the lender - LOL.

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