Sunday, November 29, 2020

Another reminder

Anyone using the term "public mass" (such as saying the "public mass is being suppressed") is someone playing word games and is engaging in manipulation. They are dealing in lies. There is no such thing as a private Mass. All Masses are public, regardless of attendance. Hence, people like Mark Mallett, knowing full well that the Mass is not being suppressed, but desperately wanting to fit a square peg into a round hole, tries to get around factual reality by saying the "public mass" is being suppressed. Word games and manipulation.

COVID deniers do the same thing with the word "lockdown". People like Mallett will say "lockdown" to refer to various restrictions. Knowing that referring to restrictions in themselves won't carry the same bludgeoning, scare-mongering coercion as "lockdown", they will, in full relativistic mode, opt for the word "lockdown" as the smothering blanket term for basic safety measures.

So Mallett will quote someone from the WHO talking about how lockdowns are not, or should not be, the best means of battling the spread of COVID. Which is totally correct. But you see, in saying that, the WHO expert is actually talking about how we should be doing safety measures, like social distancing, mask-wearing, etc. And those are all things Mallett slumps willy-nilly into the overarching category of "totalitarianism" and "suppression" and this and that. This is called quoting someone in bad faith. It is manipulation.

Lockdown is something very specific. Safety measures like social distancing, limited occupancy, mask-wearing etc. are not lockdown. He does the same thing with words like "quarantine" and so on.

It reminds me of just the other weekend, after I spent a good few hours working on Saturday, I was waiting at a red light on my way back home, looking forward to the fun of playing with granite stones, and this convoy of vehicles goes through the intersection beeping their horns, and in the windows of their vehicles are sheets of paper taped up with words such as "Un-mask your voice" and "Community hugs" and (the stupidest of all) "Stop the lockdown".

As they drove past one by one, beeping their horns, I was like, "OKAY, BOOMERS". But later I reflected: how much more of a self-evidently self-disproving protest could one make than by driving around with the slogan "Stop the lockdown"? 

Like, uh, you're driving around freely, just as the thousands of other motorists around. You will likely stop by the Tim Horton's later on and get yourself a double double with the piece of paper still taped up in your window saying "Stop the lockdown". LOL. Like, okay then. Okeeydokeey there, Boomer.

I'm also reminded of some months ago when I was on my usual evening walk. I noticed, many yards ahead of me, a man had crossed the street and was standing on the sidewalk. Well before I was within proximity to him, I did my due diligence of giving the old wide berth, and since he was standing in the middle of the sidewalk, this entailed me going onto the grassy shoulder. As I passed him by (he looked a bit like Joe Rogan, with what in passing appeared to be a similar build - he could have K.O.'ed me no problem), he turns his face to me and says, very directly and very hatefully, "What the fuck do you think you're doing, you piece of shit."

And I was like, "OOOKAAAYYY Paul, just keep on walking". LOL.

I'm also reminded of that film Bird Box. I hated that film, and place it in my "hated films" category which also contains films such as Birdman, Noah, and Joker. Anyways, you may recall in that film there are these "herd immune" satanic figures who drive around trying to remove people's blindfolds to expose them to the force/entity that makes people kill themselves. I mean talk about a prophetic film.

I think about the bullying people have received for wearing masks. I think about people like Taylor Marshall who creepily on the anniversary of the Jonestown Massacre tweeted how he was going to have over thirty people gathered at his place for Thanksgiving to flip the bird to the Marxists and Communists. I think about the manipulative sectarian false prophets who in denying COVID are practically proto-eugenicists. I think about the random psycho Joe Rogans and wolves painting their caring neighbours as sheep.

Here's a short prayer you can pray when putting on your mask: "Lord, make me ready for persecution!"


"They are victims only in their own imagination." --Pope Francis

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