Sunday, November 15, 2020

Look for the cardboard cut-outs

In every ideology, every form of fundamentalism, there is always someone, or a group of people, who in a hidden unspoken fashion are turned into sacrificial cardboard cut-outs. I'm not necessarily talking about scapegoats, but people who are cast aside, are rendered and reduced into cardboard, as the result of someone's total ideology/absolutism.

It's not that they positively through words turn them into cardboard cut-outs. The cardboard cut-outs are the equation, so to speak, of their ideology. When encountering sectarian/conspiracy theory/anti-science/reality-denying ideologies, just look for the cardboard cut-outs and think about them.

In the case of false prophets like Mallett, the people who get turned into cardboard cut-outs are nurses, doctors, hospital staff, and caretakers at homes for the elderly.

In the case of false whistle-blowers like Vigano, the people who get turned into cardboard cut-outs are sexual abuse survivors.

In the case of criminal authoritarian cons like Trump, the people who get turned into cardboard cut-outs are the people of colour, women, and everyone who in unprecedented numbers, exercising their democratic right, voted him out of office.

And so on. Just look for those who in these ideological systems have been turned into cardboard cut-outs.

Also, upcoming: as the pandemic gets exponentially worse in the days ahead in the US, which is 100% due to Trump's criminal negligence (and maybe even homicidal intent), look for the false prophets and locutionists who will come out with garbage about how this is happening because of God's displeasure with Biden as president - or some variation thereof.

Look for it, and remember I warned you. It's the mode of operation of Vigano. Take 40 plus years of a scandalous mess, reduce it down (as a means of covering for one's self), and sling it at the man who inherited it. Same thing: the yearlong mess of Trump's criminal negligence which will be 100% inherited by Biden, will be reduced down in the same manner and slung at him.

Also, I don't want to be cranky or come across as pretend tough, but I have precisely zilch sympathy for people moaning about their Thanksgiving/Christmas plans being cancelled. It's barely even a sacrifice, let alone a painful sacrifice.

You want to know what's painful?

Being intubated is painful.

The organs in your body slowly shutting down is painful.

Nurses getting the virus due to serving the sick who denied COVID and in turn dying is painful and a heartbreaking sacrifice.

Watching your relative or friend die on Zoom is painful.

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