Wednesday, May 13, 2020

My first encounter with a multi-level marketing pyramid cult was Primerica, over a decade ago.

I was kneeling in the second-to-last pew after Mass in communion, and I noticed in the farthest periphery of my eye someone coming in and kneeling down in the pew behind me. I knew right away that the person was intent on me, had looked at me, and was in fact kneeling there waiting for me.

I knew all that, instinctively, immediately. I knew this person was kneeling there pretending to pray. I was slightly annoyed, because now I was self-conscious about taking my time with Jesus; I waited a few more minutes, and figured I would just get up and go, because otherwise I would then be kneeling there pretending to pray.

And as I was going out through the vestibule, the man got up and approached me. He began talking; I can't remember what he said; at the time I was considering possibilities of other kinds of work. He gave me his card, but he wanted to make sure he could get in contact, so he wanted my number. It was all very non-aggressive I'm-interested-in-your-value-and-would-like-to-promote-you kind of thing. I gave him my work number.

We arranged a meeting at my place. He came with a woman. The day before the meeting I took the time to google Primerica, and pretty quickly decided I wasn't going to get involved, firmly made up my mind.

While I didn't tell them what I had read about the company - which reading was my first time learning about pyramid MLM - being the main reason why I didn't want to join, I didn't exactly lie to them either: I told them I'm not the kind of person who is good at just approaching people and visiting homes to make sales lectures and so on. That was in fact the honest truth.

When I said that, and that I didn't want to be involved, the lady became suddenly upfront and aggressive. I can't remember her exact words, but she was like, "Who did you talk to?! What did they say?!"

And in my mind I was like, "LOL WTF!"

I'm glad for the little encounter, because from that point forward I have been able to know pretty much right away when I am either approached by, or happen upon, a multi-level marketing pyramid cult.

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