Sunday, May 24, 2020

Can't we just let this virus wash over the country?

So said a eugenicist fake president who has repeatedly mentioned his Good Genes and how much he believes in the Good Genes and his German heritage and the Good Blood of Ford.

But yeah, nothing to see there.

Amazing how "herd immunity" has taken on a beloved mythological magical significance for the freedom fighters who most definitely are not sheeple being herded by political control.

100,000 and counting, a third of the world death total (and counting) after only a few months: nothing to the Good Gene Volk who love to raise the alarm about the Soros population controllers wanting to reduce the world's population. Every man dies. Not every man really gets a haircut.

You know what it is? It's what's beyond the virus - or through it - that has these people utterly, deeply, freaked out. In a word, that the Magisterium of the Church, the guidance of the Pope, making traction in the matter of reality, is the way, and the true way - the way forward and the way out. That not even a fraction of all what they have presumed upon is first on God's mind.

The slow, decades-long incubation suddenly has become terminal: these people are as ripe - if not riper - than the portion of the German population who gave their heil to the Aryan myths. It wasn't that they bought into beguiling myths. It was meat and potatoes. It was anti-p.c. It was forcing the "right side of history" to its logical conclusion. We know the result of that.

I think about that excellent letter that Tolkien wrote back to those Nazi bastards who wrote to him about The Hobbit. I think about that excellent letter Tolkien wrote to his son about how much he resented what Hitler did to the Norse myths.

Fascist appropriation: they did not poison those works which they touched because they hated them. They loved them. Yet they poisoned them. Think about that.

Think about those who appropriate Benedict XVI and Dante and Catherine of Sienna and others.

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