Wednesday, July 1, 2020

Call the Jubilee

Cancel all debts as odious. All of them. They are unpayable. It is odious debt. With many of them, such as mortgages, the principle has already been paid multiple times over. Cancel all of it. Make the people owners. Cancel government by private banks. Let them be just another private business among private businesses. A government by definition cannot go bankrupt, but it can tether itself more and more to a bankruptable private entity. The government must be free from this. Outlaw fractional reserve lending.

Release the prisoners. Release them from unjust incarceration, especially those that have decades-long sentences for petty crimes. Release them so they can breathe and not die from viral infection. Set the prisoners free.

Demilitarize the police. Deescalate. Seek out the oppressed the way a dehydrated person seeks out water.

I feel it. The moment of decision is coming: those who do not forgive, those that do not release from debt - which especially includes those who have the legal power to do so - are going to face the due desserts of the man in Christ's parable who was forgiven a huge unpayable sum, but then demanded a paltry sum that was owed him from his fellow slave.

Call the jubilee, or you yourselves will face your own destruction.

That is what's before us.

It just so happens that the "door of mercy" we are to go through consists in a great unexpected gift: the totally doable task of showing mercy to our neighbour.

In other words, the Gospel is before us like never before.

In the year of perfect eyesight.

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