Friday, April 24, 2020

But Covid-19 just sets in motion the underlying illnesses to which they were vulnerable...

so they say.

And in saying that, they make a very deep confession.

Take Owen Benjamin, Canadian comedian and commentator. Rugged anti-p.c. down-home rural-loving God-fearing Christian. Doesn't hold with no one who plows a crooked furrow. Been on Joe Rogan, interviewed with Jordan Peterson. Has a following. Thinks of himself as a really funny guy.

Here's a twitter thread containing a sampling of his vids.

Said during Holy Week that Christians must congregate and that you're not a Christian if you don't congregate. All the usual fideist holy roller talk about it's just Fear, it's a mortal sin to isolate at home, it's a hoax, it's socialist mind control, you just fear death, etc.

Here's a picture of him rocking his beloved Jew mask:

You can search and find all the videos of him rocking his mask yourself. In one of them his kid starts crying from being so scared by the mask and his wife tells him to stop.

Sandy Hook, moon landing, crush on Hitler's rigorism, Hitler just wanted to clean things up, all the other crap you would expect as well.

Just so you know, these people are not "sideline freaks" in their position within the culture.

They are popular. "Being banned" is the hot new popular. It's "meat and potatoes".

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