Wednesday, February 19, 2020

I've been reading The Lord of the Rings again, and last night I finished the chapter Treebeard. I was pondering so much about it, as is my wont with every chapter, and this morning at Mass the first words from the first reading were, "Remember this, my dear brothers: everyone should be quick to listen but slow to speak and slow to human anger..." I immediately thought of the Ents, thinking to myself, huh, isn't that uncanny - and then lo, I heard the Gospel reading about the blind man being healed by Jesus, who says he can see people walking around like trees!

It was just so great. That's called providence my friends.

I also love how Jesus in that instance employed a kind of gradualism in healing the man. Also that he used the elements of the earth - dirt - pointing to the first creation while instituting the sacramental lifting up of matter in the new creation - the redemption of mankind.

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