Saturday, November 16, 2019

The Catholic Church responded to the "sexual revolution" - something that was generally a century in the making - and Pope Saint Paul VI issued the encyclical Humanae Vitae.

And oh, the dissent!

The Catholic Church responds to the rapacious abuse of the earth (a revolution very much analogous to, and in tandem with, the abuse that is usury and contraception) - something that has been generally a century in the making - and Pope Francis issues Laudato Si' and seeks to define these abuses as sins, to be entered in the Catechism, which haven't been entered before simply because there has not been this level, or kind, or quantity, or system of abuse of the earth and its material goods ever before in human history. Absolutely analogous to how the world had never before seen a chemically mass produced pill that prevents ovulation, and which therefore had to be addressed, and defined, as a sin.

And oh, now the Church that Christ himself founded on rock is about to be assumed into a globalist secular new pagan eco religion!

Instead of listening, better to hedge our bets on saying it's the Great Apostasy and hello Apocalypticism of the New Protestant Order!

Because we don't follow any man (the Pope), but we follow our own isolated consciences! Because absolutes!


Oh, the immense confusion! It's so immense! We need clear definitions! And did we mention immense?

Such and such are sexual sins.

Oh a courageous defender of the faith! Would that we had more leaders like him, so clear!

Such and such are ecological sins.

Oh the new paganism!


Humanae Vitae had its dissenters, and Laudato Si' has its dissenters.

Good luck with all that!

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