I received an e-mail about the B.C. government consulting people on "Early Childhood Education", like full-day kindergarten for four and three year olds.
I went and filled their Consultation Response Form, found here. The deadline is July 18, so take the few minutes to fill it.
Here's the answers I wrote to the questions:
Response Form
Part One
Given the importance of the early childhood years and the clear trends to increase and improve programs in other jurisdictions, the Early Childhood Learning Agency invites your response to the following questions.
1. What are your thoughts on full school day kindergarten for five-year-olds?
It is taking way too much responsibility away from the parents, which will only be a catalyst for further infringements on parenting rights in the future. It is precisely because the early years are so formative for a child that it is imperative that he or she have roots formed at home. Because that's what people do: they grow up in a family, in a home. Even foster care is based and formed on this. Without home formation, a child will eventually grow up alienated. And the word "alienated" here is just an understated aside. What the does the government mean by "early formation" and who is going to watch over them, that is, over the child and the government teachers?
2. What about parent choice for full-school-day pre-kindergarten programs for four-year olds?
I feel sorry for the parents who would do this.
3. What about parent choice for full-school-day pre-kindergarten programs for three-year olds?
Why not just hand the child over to a travelling carnival?
4. What do you think are the most important factors to consider in expanding early learning programs in British Columbia?
Six words: Parents are the child's first teachers. Any "Early Learning Program" that does not take into consideration first and foremost, who the child's first educators are is an abomination and an usurper of the family. And such is deserving of no respect. Here's a hint: the government can do all it can in its power to make concession to parents who wish to be the first educators of their own children. This would be the true "expansion" of "Early Learning Programs". Here's another hint, differing from the former positive facilitation only in being a negative facilitation: do all you can to stay out of parent's hair, and realize your natural proper limitations as a government.
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