Monday, June 29, 2020
Another overrated Catholic film is The Passion of the Christ.
Remember back in 2003/2004 how much The Return of the King and The Passion were pumped up? I'm honestly not making it up after the fact, but when I first saw The Passion of the Christ in the theater, I forced myself to think it was a great film that I liked. I also pretended to like The Return of the King.
Truth be told, in the very opening scene of The Passion, I was totally thrown out of the film by the speed up, slow down, speed up motion device. I was like, "Seriously, you're doing this? This was already dated the first time it was done in the French horror film Brotherhood of the Wolf in 2001." I was deflated.
And like I said, I was thrown out of the film, and wasn't able to really get into it, and the film just kept sort of bullying me out of it. Gibson is for sure a strong filmmaker, but he's all strength, and lacks what I call the film equivalent of the suspended chord in music. Everything with him has to be emboldened, and it gets tiring, like when you're reading the poetry of Roy Campbell, you get a good wash of his richness, and then the next instant you're like, "These hammer and tong lines are getting tiresome."
Like the scene where Jesus writes in the dirt: the exploding, coruscating effect of the dirt flying up like there were crackle bombs under it is, really, quite ridiculous. Why not just totally silent dirt-writing with an overhead shot? But even Gibson's quiet scenes are in their way too emphasized.
Apocalypto is a better film, but the ending never satisfied me. For me, Gibson bungled the ending, the way he filmed it with the wrap around camera and drumbeats to reveal the ships coming in. It's almost nauseatingly commandeering. It should have been a smooth flowing forward dolly following the back of Rudy Youngblood without attempting any reveal, but the ships just gradually coming into the frame as he's running and slowing down to a stop.
That being said, Gibson is capable of the "suspended chord". A perfect example in Apocalypto is when the bad guys show up. There's that still, silent shot in the forest and a thick arm comes into the frame adorned with skulls. All the dread and horror is communicated perfectly in that one moment, and the moment also serves as "flow"; a film needs good "time stream", like water.
Anyways, The Passion of the Christ wasn't a meditative/immersive experience for me, nor did it rattle or shock me in any spiritual way. I remember walking back to the car afterwards and just feeling sort of schizoid.
Then again, I'm not a fan at all of The Passion of Joan of Arc, one of its aesthetic inspirations. The repetitive dolly shots and whatnot...I don't think I've seen a film that I forgot about so quickly after watching it as that film by Dreyer.
Sunday, June 28, 2020
I've always preferred The Day of the Jackal to A Man For All Seasons. The latter got fair play at home when growing up, as it does in a lot of Catholic households, and watching it the first time I was like, "Man, this guy is impeccable, unimpeachable! He's a tight, tight, well-oiled morality-in-action machine! He's fantastic! Super, super spotless!" while the dim shadow running alongside was like, "Huh, imagine that."
Every once in a while the scene comes to mind - from the atheist playwright's own words the film was based upon - you know the one with the "hard-hitting" super-truth monologue from Thomas to his Neo-Marxist future son-in-law - and it's like "Something, something something, and where would you stand then in the winds that would blow!!!" and I'm all like "Yeah, Yeah! That's it! You tell it to Meathead, Archie!"
But the Day of the Jackal is just more of a film. Not a morality play managing the medium of film using a historic figure canonized by the Catholic Church as a puppet for rather cut-and-dry depictions of conscience. That's the way plays work, or mediocre plays I suppose. I'm only going by the film, since I haven't watched the play; but it's kind of like, well, it's not much interesting to watch a diamond being formed under pressure, when it's already a diamond to begin with. Yawn. I'm pretty sure the film adaptation of A Man For All Seasons - the attempt to copy that play's impeccable fictional representation - is responsible for a good deal of the self-absorbed promethean neo-pelagianism one encounters today in rigorist Catholics.
When a husband commits adultery and abandons his wife and their children, there are no effects or repercussions in the lives of the children and the wife, and thus there are no effects or repercussions in society.
The belief that effects reverberate in society as a result of the sins of a personal agent, determining society's course and collation, in turn creating structures in which that sin is systematized, is Marxism.
Saturday, June 27, 2020
The Airline Virus
I have idea.
Let's have virus labs. People pay to sit in labs.
Because labs are too big to fail.
They infect each other in the labs. Like big viral load.
The labs will have wings. We propagate virus in the sky.
We'll land the labs down in various countries. Open them up.
This is fine.
Oh for the golden halcyon days of the collapsing cathedrals!
My yearning for those days is immense!
A good number of the Gothic cathedrals were functional failures and only stand today because of modern day technological engineering/problem solving.
A good number of Gothic cathedrals are an inheritance of experimental structural precariousness, of which the entirety of their completion was never achieved due to structural collapse, and today what remains of the whole is preserved through high-tech modern advances.
Living and learning as they went, a good number of high cathedrals collapsed - maybe more collapsed than stand today, I'm not sure - as they possessed no secret sauce medieval code back in the days of the collapsing cathedrals, which was the age of - checks notes - the age of the medieval age.
It can be argued that were it not for modern science/engineering/technology, many of those cathedrals would not be standing today, which falling would be par for the course for the Medievals. They were used to that, and they would just start building more. You live and learn.
I remember being up in the rafters of Holy Rosary Cathedral when I was helping to hang the new crucifix, and I was like, "This is it? Man, this is bare bones! Just one step too heavy to the side off this main beam and I'll go straight through the plaster and break my neck on one of the pews down below!"
That would make a great story in the spirit of Flannery O'Connor. And Pigeon Man peered down through the hole in the plaster and saw Paul sprawled with broken neck in the pews, and he said, "Coo, coo, he would've been a good man it was a church pew to break his neck every minute of his life."
Ha ha!
What a disturbing story!
Friday, June 26, 2020
Had a run in with a stranger the other day - or rather, he imposed himself and interrupted my work in order to expound at great length on every one of his conspiracy theories and how much he knows about what is going on.
I'm standing there in my usual too-kind endurance with my arms full of branches I had pruned, and this guy is just rattling on and on, and then hijacking every one of my words to prolong his interruption, completely oblivious to the rudeness of his holding me up. You know how you begin saying something to wind down the (very one-sided) conversation, leading to a courteous close, and the person just keeps freakishly honing in on your words to tie back into a means to continue his monologues? It's practically a form of abuse.
So here's one more to add to the roster: isolation measures at the beginning of the pandemic were the Big Mistake. The isolation measures are what got us into the present mess of so many infections and deaths. The isolation/lock-down is what actually led to an increase of the virus, because all the less-at-risk non-old people who could have been developing Herd ImmunityTM spent that time away from each other.
We put ourselves in the position of the weak immunity of the indigenous people who were devastated by the colonial pox (to which, it is implied, the white man had herd immunity).
Prior to this, he was saying how the virus was a media ploy to herd us sheep (he used the term 'sheep', and I was like, funny how all you enlightened individualists uniformly use the word 'sheep'), after all - as he proceeded to tell me in the highly original individualist's awakened thoughts, like I don't know this thing called the internet and read all the same crap he's repeating to me on it - how many people do you know who have the virus? Ask anyone, who do you know who contracted the virus?
So you start to realize why such people need to cast themselves as prophets. Because normal people see what they say - how simultaneously the virus is an overblown media deception in order to herd us sheep and a super-spreading virus due to the isolation/lock-down measures - and know that in order to proceed further down that line of contradictory thinking requires more and more
The fact that recognizing the plain reality that the isolation measures - late and bungled as they were - went effectively towards flattening the curve (leading to 'this is all an overreaction!' as the experts warned would happen) and the premature 're-opening' of the economy in certain places is causing the numbers to spike back - that simply this is too much for these people to process, is weird. It's almost as if - oh, I don't know, like they were desperately frightened sheep.
Anyways, beside that, he had a complete inability to hear what I actually said (none of which was argumentative), listening only for what he could work into his cerebral bubble world.
For instance, he began talking about work, and asked me about my work, and so on, and I say to him that I've been lucky with regards to work because I don't work around anyone, and that I work alone. He immediately says, 'Oh you reveal how much the media is controlling your thoughts when you say that', and I'm like WTF you stupid dick, I was simply saying that I'm lucky my work situation hasn't changed (i.e. unemployment) due to the fact that I don't work in an office/work-community/customer contact type environment.
Nor was his 'mishearing' an innocent mistake. We were talking about unemployment. This guy was completely listening only for certain things, and then imposing those things on my speech: he was conditioned to think - because he is controlled by the media that he reads and listens to - that I was saying I was lucky, due to working alone, that I'm at low to no risk of contracting the virus. In other words, the first thing that must be on my mind is 'fear of the virus'.
So what do you call someone who is conditioned to hear what other people say as only the bleating of conditioned sheep? That person is a sheep when it comes to their own intellectual/perceptual comfort, and a narcissistic wolf towards others.
Huh, imagine that.
When I was working at the grocery store all those years ago, whenever this song came on the sound system, I would stop what I was doing and sort of go into a trance. It was actually this song that got me into Dire Straits.
Without getting into personal journey stories (I'm incapable of memoir), the lyrics substituted in a rough sort of way as a yearning for God - even as the seed of faith was saying, He's right here, closer than you know, identifying himself with your most vulnerable self.
Still, there is room - God permits it - for his creature, to express his longing. It's everywhere in the Old Testament, in the psalms.
Thursday, June 25, 2020
Tuesday, June 23, 2020
Saturday, June 20, 2020
When the oppressed tin foil conspiracists succeed in ridding from the market the billion gazillion dog-whistle Masonic symbols everywhere imbedded in advertising (which we would not know about were it not for their prophetic decoding vigilance), by the result of an awakening in mass protests (since there's so many of them and they are so ready to act for justice) - a purge that is so necessary because such symbology has a nefarious unconscious influence regardless of how aware people are of it - then I will adopt an ironically detached air about the whole thing, since I'm not a Freemason nor am tainted by Freemasonry (whenever I saw a Dodge Ram truck, I never thought, "Ah, good, the Masons!"), and I'll say what a bunch of virtue-signallers, and what's going to be next - the obelisk in St. Peter's Square?
Tuesday, June 16, 2020
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Huh, look at that. Football fans in New Zealand putting social distancing behind them - the sheeple.
Now, one has reservations about being optimistic about such situations. Still, they were declared virus free, and here's the point: what happened then? Well, they proceeded to enjoy social life.
But I thought all these safety measures were a highly coordinated globalist takeover, to be put in place indefinitely as we sheepishly and stupidly accepted it and surrendered our freedoms because we are sheeple?
Maybe New Zealand is just a false flag? an insidious coordinated plan to get all countries onto the woke agenda?
Huh, imagine that.
Breaking the Waves
Safety measures break the wave, so you can prepare and coordinate, and deal with the next smaller one, until you have it down to traceable pockets, or to status of entirely virus free. Because it's a natural virus with a lifespan (not the half-life of nuclear radiation) requiring your respiratory system to propagate itself while being unable to live on any given surface past 72 hours.
Otherwise what you have is not diminishing waves, but one single super-tsunami that "just washes over the country" with no end in sight.
The interesting thing about everything the medical experts have been telling us with regards to safety measures, is that what to some ears sounds "draconian" is in fact quite optimistic - in the best sense of the word. That is, the safety measures actually have an effective end that is totally within the realm of possibility. After which, the measures are no longer necessary. But the fundamentalist who absolutizes everything in a bid to fight what he perceives as draconian, is actually helping to perpetuate a super-draconian virus and a truly dreadful scenario.
Extremists like their extremes, and they'll bend every particular of concrete reality to fit their extremes (because of which they are also the biggest ambiguous fence-sitters who are forever vamping off of every situation according as it pleases them).
It's a hoax goes merrily skipping hand in hand with let's welcome this pandemic as a super-tsunami pandemic, and in no other form, because absolutes!
Super-tsunami pandemic is in fact the direct offspring of "It's a hoax!"
Super-tsunami pandemic is also the offspring of "This is all an overreaction!"
Super-tsunami pandemic is also the offspring of "You're all just the sheeple lapdogs of modernist science!"
Super-tsunami pandemic is also the offspring of "The cure is worse than the disease!"
Super-tsunami pandemic is also the offspring of "God will protect us if we are just presumptuous enough yelling freedom!"
Super-tsunami pandemic is also the offspring of "These safety measures are the equivalence of the Jews being packed into train cars and taken to the gas chambers! Oh I walked into the store and there was plexiglass - oh the persecution!"
Super-tsunami pandemic is also the offspring of "The stock market is the best it has ever been!"
When you're too cool for the enduring chill
I wonder if many Catholic intellectuals have a crystalline "respect" for historic systemic racism, in much the same way they respect the "objective" historical split between the Eastern Orthodox and Roman Catholic church. It's a convenient avenue to maintain your status as spectator, and to treat your silent complicity like it holds the Great Pending Answer we're all supposed to be hanging on.
In other words, in the same way they regard as nominalism any act or gesture that would move towards union between east and west, because "objective history" which needs to be "respected", so they regard as a form of nominalism any acts to make change in society, to seek to be anti-racist, to take down Confederate statues, etc.
It would certainly be consistent with their nominalistic impulse to over-crystallize their ideology to the point that they feel any approach of reality as a chaotic vertigo of confusion and disaster, or alternatively to feel it as an embarrassing downgrading of their superclear intellect to the messy hordes of lost sheeple.
Monday, June 15, 2020
Do your part for the earth
Build a bat box.
Help the bats! They'll help us!
They release swarms of ducks on the locusts.
Let's get the bats on them mosquitoes (and other pests!)
"Bats are amazing animals that are vital to the health of our environment and economy. Although we may not always see them, bats are hard at work all around the world each night – eating thousands of insects, pollinating flowers, and spreading seeds that grow new plants and trees. Step outside around dusk and take a few moments to look for bats in your neighbourhood!"
"...bats save the agricultural industry in North America $3.7 billion every year."
The painter is the first viewer
The more that an artist develops an image, the more risks are created of the image being deficient/insufficient.
That is not an argument against development.
It is an argument for it.
One is seeking to open as many doors and windows as possible on one's conception across the surface of the painting. Those doors and those windows ultimately exist in the viewer, and the painter is the first viewer.
The more deeply an artist draws upon the original conception, the more that each successive layer ignores what is already on the canvas.
Ha ha ha!
Sunday, June 14, 2020
Have you listened to this 1980 album by Split Enz? There's a couple songs that are sort of imitative - of who I can't say off the top of my head - but for the most part, well, all the songs (some of them instrumental!), they were really quite good! They always have that good rhythm section going. What an underrated band!
What good is your orthodoxy, and your traditionalism, and your conservatism, and your apocalypticism, if its sum total end is to swallow a camel?
A Philosophy
I know that God at least
does not reject this rule of thumb,
though by itself it has deficiency:
that I do not so soundly sleep
as when my feet are sore beyond belief,
and concrete labour makes me dumb,
and mental constructs like rags are wrung,
and aired out in the morning.
Saturday, June 13, 2020
Wednesday, June 10, 2020
"They came to the pillar of the White Hand. The pillar was still standing, but the graven hand had been thrown down and broken into small pieces. Right in the middle of the road the long forefinger lay, white in the dusk, its red nail darkening to black.
'The Ents pay attention to every detail!' said Gandalf." -- J.R.R. Tolkien, The Lord of the Rings
It's not iconoclasm. Nor is it mob revolution.
It's just looking after the details.
As such, it is right and good.
These figures, represented under dime-a-dozen state benefactor commemoration bronzes, are repellent not only for who they represent and what that person did, but also in that they feign to make an "official" minting of who that region's benefactor is.
And yet the world just spent the last three months exhausting its cosplaying energies in telling us who the REAL ESSENTIAL WORKERS are that build our civilization and keep it running. All the while writing headlines asking how the Bezos (whose bottom lines Spray Tan studiously padded out) could "make it safely to their yachts through the germ-ridden masses".
In truth, these protestors are not "erasing history". They are removing the "official" historical lie.
Huh, imagine that.
The evangelical opportunity that was perfectly ripe in the use of the pachamama relief carving, used by indigenous people in innocent devotion to Our Lady, expressing by means of their own culture their love for Our Lady, was shot down by white Catholics ideologically obsessed by a fascistic appropriation of western culture, and unjustly stolen and thrown into the river.
Because, according to these assholes, as they whitesplained to the indigenous people, that, no, pachamama is a demonic god who devours babies! You stupid naive uncatechised savages. Yeah, no room here for seeking the good to be baptized (in spite of long historical precedence that says otherwise) about pachamama which is generally Mother Earth. No, you can't have a rather open-ended symbol to yield up to Our Lady and bring a new aspect of understanding her - no. Pachamama is a baby-eating demon!
But the literal racist slave trader murderers who literally committed mass genocide, devouring the actual lives of real living people - yeah, their bronze representation isn't an idol or whitewashing of a lie and it most certainly should not be cast into the river, because NUANCE, it's more nuanced than that, there were many shades, and you know, it was complicated, and he was a complex person.
That's an oft used word in places like Quebec.
Double o assonance followed by vowel a, and beginning r consonant book-ended by r consonant at the end of "teur" (e before the u, or u before the e?).
Gotta totally ROFL love how someone is brought in on special occasions to cobble Spray Tan's tweets.
Heart the Rock Biter so much
Great Vancouver film.
Did you know that in Gastown they have a bronze statue monument of Bastion riding the dragon Falcor, and people touch it when they pass by for good luck?
Ha ha! Just kidding. There's no such monument. But the film is certainly one of Vancouver's greatest films of all time.
Tuesday, June 9, 2020
Interesting: air-conditioning is contributing much to global warming
pumping out heat into the air, like turning on a heater in the summertime.
Latin spelled backwards
"Nital is a solution of nitric acid and alcohol commonly used for etching of metals. It is especially suitable for revealing the microstructure of carbon steels. The alcohol can be methanol, ethanol or methylated spirits.
"Mixtures of ethanol and nitric acid are potentially explosive. This commonly occurs by gas evolution, although ethyl nitrate can also be formed. Methanol is not liable to explosion but it is toxic.
"A solution of ethanol and nitric acid will become explosive if the concentration of nitric acid reaches over 10% (by weight). Solutions above 5% should not be stored in closed containers. Nitric acid will continue to act as an oxidant in dilute and cold conditions." --Wikipedia
Monday, June 8, 2020
Sunday, June 7, 2020
“We still have to follow the rules,” Francis said. “Thank God, we are leaving the worst part, but always by obeying the rules that the authorities have stipulated.” --Pope Francis, June 7, 2020
If you listen to what Pope Francis is saying and doing, you will not go astray.
Thank God we have the Pope we have, and that the majority of Bishops around the world - weighing very heavily the situation and courses of action - are exercising due care for their flocks by continuing to implement the proper safety measures so as to not cause a second outbreak.
Thank God the majority of our Bishops are not sectarian reactionary anti-science conspiricists. Can you imagine the deadly damage it would cause if they were running their dioceses according to the manner of irresponsible internet personalities who have no care for a local diocese and have no authoritative standing in the Church?
These freewheeling wandering internet personalities have no connection to any locale; they network and echo each other as a global cabal. Their consummist, hyper-fundamentalist ideology becomes virulent through a kind of cultic e-cabal.
Yet lockdown/quarantine/safety measures around the world have been implemented quite differently from country to country, province to province, town to town: what we have seen with COVID-19 is a kind of resurrection of localism in the fight against the virus, neighbour discovering neighbour (ironically in a time of so-called "isolation") while the conspiricists deal globally, and have made demands and arguments in favour of the global financialized market they have been so afraid for losing.
The actual spread of the virus was not due to globalism, but simply to air travel. And air travel is a multi-billion dollar capitalist enterprise. But the resistance to safety measures against the virus has been entirely globalist.
The local scientists were telling us the proper measures to take for the sake of our fellow men and women according to the situation of their local region, while the conspiricists were giving the bullhorn to the global financial economy as their top priority.
The conspiricists like Vigano et alia are really globalists. They are a kind of global cabal disconnected from any local diocese, and they have infiltrated the Church, and like Donald Trump, they carry a deadly moral virus.
Saturday, June 6, 2020
Friday, June 5, 2020
Holy Toledo, it seems that confederate monuments/statues are beginning to be removed left, right and center all over the U.S.!
We live in interesting times! This is major - kinda sorta - news. This is kind of like First Moon Landing news.
I love it. The wind blows where it will. It comes out of nowhere. You never knew it was coming. And where it came from you cannot tell.
Ah yes, the "I'm-so-not-racist-that-I-don't-see-any-race" racist assholes
Saying that a race is being targeted is racist!
Understanding it in a larger context of historic racism is political correctness!
LOL Gotta love these absolutist pricks. Systemic racism? But I'm über non-racist pure! None of that taints me! Just hire people according to education and real credentials!
Education and real credentials are biased and made exclusive by systemic racism? Hey now, enough with that social teaching talk, I'm talking absolutes here! It's just skin colour and that's just the accidents of genes!
Skin colour is in fact not just skin colour but betokens a whole dignity of historical oppression that I need to look at? But that's racist! I'm über non-racist pure!
George Floyd? Hell, the Rwandans were hacking each other apart with machetes in the thousands! That was black on black! I have a full litany of 20th century genocides to beat you over the head with instead of looking at American history! Because absolutes!
So yeah, anyways, Modern Catholic white privilege is basically exemplified by the high falutin culture war reactionaries to the Amazonian Synod.
Everything these pontificating dipsticks published and panicked about was, in very short order, completely exposed by COVID-19 as a vomitorium of hypocrisy.
The exposure continues, apparently.
Thursday, June 4, 2020
Tuesday, June 2, 2020
Pope Francis walking as a pilgrim to the church of San Marcello to pray for an end to the pandemic: what a photo op!
The Urbi Orbi blessing: what a limelight hogging actor!
Spray Tan at the Episcopalian church with the Bible and at the Saint John Paul II National Shrine: oh, my L--- and my G--!
LOL at the Skojec style Trumpian sheeple.
Ah, the many angles from which to view COVID-19 - what a prestigious luxury! It's all alarmism: see here, the antibody testing is finding thousands of more people who were infected but never became seriously ill.
You see? The disease actually infects so many freaking people that it changes the death rate! Time for Magic Think: 380,381 deaths after about three and a half months isn't as scary or tragic any more, because that's just a fraction of the total number infected! That means the virus is not as dangerous/deadly as they've been saying!
There's one person on twitter - can't remember the name - who when he encounters these sorts of statements of truth-bending gymnastic bullshit (otherwise known as relativism) responds simply with the words, *chef's kiss*.
Yes, uhm, Actually - they love to say, thinking themselves so red pill - we've been sheeple and if you look at the cwisis from weal fah away, fwum a diffwint angle - say, fwum the moon - the cowonaviwus is a dweam within a dweam.
I am so effing done with this sort of crap.
Monday, June 1, 2020
Hey everyone look at MEEEE!!! I wear my scapular on the outside of my shirt! I wear my miraculous medal on the outside of my shirt!
After making my way through the germ-ridden masses to re-opened Mass, the reunion in communion - after two and a half months, imagine the pain! - was so rapturously ecstatic I heard the words in my heart, "This day shall be our own Solemnity - a Solemn Feast Day recognized in heaven as such, though the Popes know it not" and I was like, "Really? Holy smokes!"
Wish I could communicate the feels of tearful bliss to you sheeple, but you're just not fervent enough!
Ha ha ha!
Every man dies. Not every man really makes it to the Era of Peace
Who exactly are these anonymous ex cathedra spiritual directors of the fake prophets and locutionists with their matchstick assortment of global spirit daily apparitions, apocalyptic rapture, and hodgepodge of cut-and-paste perturbations from infallible mystics?
Imagine that: anonymous locutionists mentored to maintain anonymity by their anonymous spiritual directors. Are these anonymous spiritual directors like masonic infiltrators?
The conspiracist grifters who condescendingly relativize the authority of Pope, hedging around him with selective, distant, self-reliant interpretations while privately considering Vigano a true prophet, yet bend over backwards to dogmatize their own dubious locutions - what of these people?
I don't stand by them. I stand with the Pope.
“It is important to bring together scientific capacities, in a transparent and impartial way, to find vaccines and treatments and to guarantee universal access to essential technologies that will enable every infected person, in every part of the world, to receive the necessary health care.” --Pope Francis
"Let us pray together for government leaders, scientists and politicians who are beginning to study a way out of the pandemic, though its "aftermath" has already begun. May they find the right way, always for the good of their people." --Pope Francis
"I wish to express again my closeness to those who are ill with the coronavirus and to healthcare workers who are caring for them, as well as to civil authorities and all those involved in assisting patients and in containing the spread of the virus." --Pope Francis
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